The cost of not waking up

The Cost of Not Waking Up

The cost of not waking up to our present situation, with Child vaccination in progress and vaccine passports being prepared for the pandemic, will be devastating. Yet we can reverse the tide if we do not respond to it with denial, avoidance and ‘ignorance’ of it.  Here is a link to the excellent presentation on […]

Afrikan Traditional Medicine Day

Did you know that August 31st is Afrikan Traditional Medicine Day? If not, you may have spent all of your childhood and most of your adult life not knowing the quality of care available to you, affordably, from quality Indigenous Holistic Medicine. You may not have known or enjoyed its protective and restorative power. And that, is a great tragedy.
The story of Afrika

The Story of Afrika

The story of Afrika goes beyond wildlife, beyond tourism and way beyond natural resources. It is definitely NOT about poverty or the other negative narratives peddled around about Afrika by the biased local and world media. The story of Afrika is about a people: beautiful, strong, bold, hardworking, creative, innovative, loving, kind and full of […]