The holistic approach that natural healing takes towards the body, the spirit and the community are all necessary and cannot be put aside one moment longer.
In this video, we talk to Stella Njagi, Founder of Spills of Eden,, about natural living and holistic medicine and how easy and necessary it is to incorporate these into our daily lives.
It’s time for us to return to the ways of life, to restore what has been lost and severely abused. The sowing, incubation and arrival of new life on earth via the loins of the man and womb of the woman is as natural AND supernatural and sacred as breathing. The people involved or who […]
As Afrikans, we definitely can avoid most troubles that the world faces if only we learn from the past, which is what the principle of Sankofa entaills.
Domestic and social violence manifest themselves in many different forms. Physical abuse is usually the more evident kind, but psychological torments, abuse of official power, spiritual abuse and the mistreatment of those weaker than us are all aspects of this. The most disturbing – and possibly the most encouraging – part of all this is […]
WAKE UP AND SAVE OUR SEEDS He who controls the land, controls the seeds. He who controls the seeds, controls the harvest and the food chain. And he who controls the food chain, controls the people. While we as Afrikans have majorly been asleep, wicked men and women in the form of global corporations have […]
When we think of developing Afrika, the question that always arises is, “How do we pay for it all?” With Afrikan economies struggling with external and internal debt that they entered into either through corruption, coercion, desperation or carelessness, what will happen to Afrika’s continental development agenda? How do we build the dream we see […]
The war on indigenous seeds either in Afrika or anywhere else in the world, is not only evil and wicked, but demonic and should be pushed back with every iota of our strength. For to criminalize anyone for planting, sharing or selling the seeds which they have known all their lives, because some greedy sons […]
In this conversation with Patrick Headley, CEO and Founder of Kiyiira Limited, find out what the real cost and real goal of Diaspora Investment in Afrika is and why you should consider it.Diaspora investment in Afrika is crucial for various reasons, one of which is supporting the economic growth of the continent. The biggest reason, […]
In the changing global landscape where nations are gradually corralling their citizens into tighter and more restricted socio-economic and political spaces – and very deliberately at that, Tet Kofi asks the all important question: “Can Africa project its voice on the world stage or will she become an order taker following the determinations of governments […]