
Climate Solutions or Land Theft?

Globally, several Indigenous communities are being displaced from their lands to make way for carbon capture and forest conservation projects. These initiatives, often presented as climate solutions, have led to land grabs and violations of Indigenous rights in various regions. Here are some indigenous peoples across the globe going through various forms of evictions: * […]


The issue of GMOs and the war against indigenous seeds are major issues that we need to pay more attention to. We cannot keep allowing GMOs and toxic agrochemicals to take over our food systems and by that destroy the health of our people. What we are dealing with is more serious than just seed […]

Crisis in the DRC

It’s easy to say that the various crisis going on in Africa, especially in the DRC, is just a case of mindless Africans fighting themselves. Or that Africans cannot govern themselves. That would be nothing but a naïve way of looking at it. DRC seats on a vast mineral wealth that the world wants and […]

What’s Really Going On Here?

It’s easy to call anyone who is saying what you don’t want to hear a conspiracy theorist. But when the effects of what you are refusing to hear start to hit you in the face, who will you blame? There is a sinister agenda by some faceless entities to cripple the people of the world […]
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Lost Vegetables of Africa

Food is health and every region of the world has its unique food tailored for their health and wellbeing. And Africa is not exempted from this reality. As Africans, we need to embrace our indigenous crops and also protect them from those who want to destroy them. To watch and also follow us on our […]

The Baobab and its Powerful Benefits

In the world of good nutritious foods, the Baobab tree stands tall… literally. Referred to as Super Food because of the fact that every part of it can be used for something good like food, oil, and drinks, the Baobab tree has become a symbol of hope, nutrition, and life in Africa and everywhere else. […]
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Orangutang Self-Heals and Punitive Seed Laws

It does not make any sense for any government to make laws that inhibits its farmers from sharing indigenous seeds amongst themselves, just so they promote patented seeds from foreign seed companies. It is immoral and evil. In Africa, indigenous seeds represents culture, the people’s way of life, a rich tradition that has been handed […]