Domestic violence

Domestic and Social Violence

Domestic and social violence manifest themselves in many different forms. Physical abuse is usually the more evident kind, but psychological torments, abuse of official power, spiritual abuse and the mistreatment of those weaker than us are all aspects of this. The most disturbing – and possibly the most encouraging – part of all this is […]
War against seeds Thumbnail


WAKE UP AND SAVE OUR SEEDS He who controls the land, controls the seeds. He who controls the seeds, controls the harvest and the food chain. And he who controls the food chain, controls the people. While we as Afrikans have majorly been asleep, wicked men and women in the form of global corporations have […]

The Great Reset and What it Means

The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory, it is a publicly touted initiative that is being fronted by one of the world's most respected and admired institutions that is backed by governments, businesses and NGOs around the world - The World Economic Forum.

Climate Solutions or Land Theft?

Globally, several Indigenous communities are being displaced from their lands to make way for carbon capture and forest conservation projects. These initiatives, often presented as climate solutions, have led to land grabs and violations of Indigenous rights in various regions. Here are some indigenous peoples across the globe going through various forms of evictions: * […]

The Deliberate Under-Development of Afrika

For a group of different nations to sit and agree that an entire continent is meant to be its mine or farmland or dumping site and to set their faces to systematically oppress, undermine and oppose that continent and keep them subjected to slavery... for their own selfish interests... That is pure evil.

Afrikan Traditional Medicine Day

Did you know that August 31st is Afrikan Traditional Medicine Day? If not, you may have spent all of your childhood and most of your adult life not knowing the quality of care available to you, affordably, from quality Indigenous Holistic Medicine. You may not have known or enjoyed its protective and restorative power. And that, is a great tragedy.