Living Simple

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Lost Vegetables of Africa

Food is health and every region of the world has its unique food tailored for their health and wellbeing. And Africa is not exempted from this reality. As Africans, we need to embrace our indigenous crops and also protect them from those who want to destroy them. To watch and also follow us on our […]

The Baobab and its Powerful Benefits

In the world of good nutritious foods, the Baobab tree stands tall… literally. Referred to as Super Food because of the fact that every part of it can be used for something good like food, oil, and drinks, the Baobab tree has become a symbol of hope, nutrition, and life in Africa and everywhere else. […]
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Orangutang Self-Heals and Punitive Seed Laws

It does not make any sense for any government to make laws that inhibits its farmers from sharing indigenous seeds amongst themselves, just so they promote patented seeds from foreign seed companies. It is immoral and evil. In Africa, indigenous seeds represents culture, the people’s way of life, a rich tradition that has been handed […]

Seeds: The Better Inheritance

A global narrative says there is no food in Africa and Africans are dying of hunger and diseases. But this is mostly a lie and a carefully crafted manipulation of facts to enable big corporations and big pharmaceutical companies to invade the food and health system in Africa. But we are not all blinded by […]
Eco Housing

Exploring Eco-Friendly Earth Building Tech

Sustainable natural building technologies are a set of construction techniques that use natural materials such as earth, stone, wood, and straw to create energy-efficient and environmentally friendly structures. By utilizing natural materials, these green building techniques can reduce the amount of energy needed to heat and cool a building and reduce the amount of waste […]
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GMOs and The Agro-Colonization of Africa

Many wars are raging against Africa right now which we must fight to win. However, there is a fight that we cannot afford to lose, that is, the war against the Agro-colonization of Africa or the colonization of Africa’s seeds and food systems. Agro-colonization in Africa is the forceful or subtle takeover of Africa’s agriculture […]

Living in a Sacred Forest Paradise

There is something very beautiful about green spaces, especially forest life, ocean life, and #ecoliving. You feel alive as you merge with the beauty and biodiversity around you. We are happy to share this beautiful journey of our movement from Nairobi area to a #foresthouse in a #sacredforest in South Coast of Kenya. Thank you […]

Living Close to Nature

Modern living is responsible for so many unnecessary pressures and strains and too many Afrikans have bought into the story that has been told in American movies and books about how life is to be lived, about getting into debt, about what a good life looks like.