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“Poor people gonna rise up and take their share… poor people gonna rise up and get what’s theirs. ‘Cause finally the tables are starting to turn, talking ’bout a revolution…” Tracy Chapman, 1988. Actually, the tables have turned. When you hear the word REVOLUTION, what comes to mind? Is it a bloody coup to topple a failed government, a violent street protest to oust a particular leader or a call to raise arms to make a social-political statement? REVOLUTION as a word comes from the word REVOLVE and to revolve means to go round a central point. One beautiful thing about REVOLVE and REVOLUTION is that, they always go back to the point of beginning. So when we talk about revolution in Afrika, we mean the returning of things to what they are supposed to be and continuing forward with the lessons and greater wisdom. Right now, Afrika needs spiritual revolution, social revolution, economic revolution but most of all, Afrika needs a MENTAL REVOLUTION. We need real transformation: a sudden, extreme, or complete change in the way we think and act. This is a NOW moment. Grab it.

Change has come, article on William Samoei Ruto.

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