This video is the first in our new campaign titled “Do Your Little.” The simple purpose of the campaign is to take the minds and eyes of Afrikans (both home and abroad) and the world at large away from how massive the issues facing the world are and reminding each one that by everyone doing their little bit, we can have collective solutions to any of our problems. So, for instance, instead of complaining that the community is dirty, each one can at least clean their own immediate environment and, by that, the community will be clean.

So, Do Your Little…your little can help change the world. You can support this new campaign by cash donations but most importantly, you can help spread the word by sharing these videos with your family and friends and even on your various social media platforms.

If you need us to send you the clip itself, please reach out to us on +254738489470 (For telegram chat and calls) and visit our Telegram channel on

You can also support us through a donation via PayPal or contact us for details on how to support us via Sendwave.

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